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On this page you can explore additional facets of our work, which includes commissioned public art mosaic murals, artwork for religious buildings, community murals and mosaics, and artwork created with school communities.


In addition to our work as designers, painters and fabricators, we are also educators, offering classes and workshops using a variety of materials, methods and techniques. We also offer public presentations on our work.


We invite your inquiries on all of the different kinds of work that we do!

Jewish Mosaic Arts

Jewish Mosaic Arts

Our Jewish Mosaics Arts site features fine art mosaics for synagogues and Jewish schools. Our mosaics are created to celebrate Jewish traditions, religion and culture. We joyously build handmade artworks piece by piece using tiles of glass, ceramic and stone, creating beauty that will last from generation to generation,’ L’Dor V’Dor’.

Joshua Winer, Artist

Joshua Winer, Artist

Joshua Winer is an artist specializing in the design and creation of murals, mosaics and public art in a wide range of media. This site shows a comprehensive selection of his artwork created over the past thirty years across the United States and abroad. Mr. Winer is also an experienced teacher and work with schools and community groups to create art for architectural environments, public spaces and gardens.

School Mosaics and Community Mosaics

School Mosaics and Community Mosaics

We create school mosaics and community mosaics that are original, beautiful works of public art. We invite you and your community to participate in the creation of these artworks. Joshua Winer is an experienced artist and teacher who specializes in leading group mosaic projects, from initial brainstorming through final installation and all the steps in between. Let's take our next mosaic journey together, and bring your artistic visions to life!

Mosaics, Murals and Public Art by Joshua Winer

Mosaics, Murals and Public Art by Joshua Winer

Our Tumblr site features works in a variety of media, including commissioned murals and mosaics, public art, environmental graphics, ceramic murals, and community art. Projects range from facade murals for the Google Headquarters in Cambridge MA, to a Peace Mosaic with Native Americans in Michigan, to a mosaic mural on the Life of Christ with the congregation of St. Joseph’s Church and School in Fort Atkinson WI.

"Tiny Tiles, Large Art"

"Tiny Tiles, Large Art"

Enjoy this video of our swimming pool column mosaics at the Ford Pool in Allen, Texas. Our design was selected as the winning entry of a National Design Competition by the City of Allen Public Art Program. Working from our home studio in Boston, we created six mosaic murals of swimmers from glass mosaics from Paris and Venice, then installed the finished work on site on the columns in the courtyard of the pool entrance.

Painted Decoration at Chateau Picomtal

Painted Decoration at Chateau Picomtal

‘Bienvenue’ to magnificent Chateau Picomtal in the French Alps! Here you’ll see the murals and decorative finishes painted by Joshua Winer and friends in more than 20 rooms in the castle, created over the course of 10 years of work on site.

The Global Community Mosaics Project

The Global Community Mosaics Project

Joshua Winer launched The Global Community Mosaics Project in 2016 as a Not-For-Profit Community Arts Organization to create public art mosaics working with volunteers in underserved communities around the world. We work with local artists, adults, students, and children in schools and hospitals to celebrate a shared vision of creativity and cultural bonding through the making of public art mosaic murals.

"Journey Through the Seasons"

"Journey Through the Seasons"

Read Joshua Winer’s story about his mosaic tribute to ‘The Four Season’s in a new monumental handmade ceramic mosaic mural created for the stair hall of the Meadowbrook School in Weston, Massachusetts.


Joshua Winer

Tel: 617.930.6010


Architectural Murals Studio

144 Moody Street, Building 18

Waltham MA 02453 USA

© 2022 by Joshua Winer and Charles Williams

 All Images are Copyrighted

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